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Saturday, March 11, 2006

CyberSense & NonSense

It's soooo irritating to receive spam emails... isn't it? My hotmail, which only have like 2MB space, will be clotted with spams everyday.. If I dont empty them, it'll cause a lot of bounced emails.. (Dont ask me why didnt I terminate the hotmail service as yet...)

ANyways, I found this interesting site on the net at Media Awareness Network. Tho it's targeted more towards kids, but I think a lot of us adults too kinda take the Internet Security for granted.. As simple as winning a contest online..?? or by filling in Quizzes.. hoping for a reward afterwards..?? Well, I believed my spams came from the forms that I filled in loong time ago. And there's another tricks on SPAMS.. is that, there'd be a clause saying "IF YOU WANNA UNSUBSCRIBE, PLEASE REPLY TO THIS EMAIL" which I think its a total HOAX! Once you click unsubscribe, then whoever sent you those emails know that your email account is active.. so they'll keep sending you rubbish!

so, do check the site out!


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