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Sunday, February 26, 2006

Breath Taking Scenery at Teluk Likas

Went to Likas Bay in the early evening to catch the Sunset there... well, cant really see the sunset at the horizon because it was blocked by Gaya Island. Anyways, it was a beautiful evening and we enjoyed the view. Unfortunately Lil C was not able to enjoy the scenery as he was sleeping in the car, accompanied by Pohpoh as he didnt take his beauty nap in the afternoon.

Beautiful sunset at Teluk Likas

Breath taking, isnt it? Picture taken by Mike.. There were a lot more but I decided to post this one! It reminded me of life, how we sometimes forget our purpose and mission on earth! We got bogged by the daily routine which create that mundane life. Once in a while, we need to slow our pace a bit and enjoy the nature around us! The world has a lot to offer.. and I am glad I am still living to enjoy them... hehehe

Menara Tun Mustapha scenery
Taken earlier, before the sunset


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